COO, Valley PBS / KVPT

Nancy Borjas

Nancy Borjas is the Chief Operating Officer for Valley PBS. Since joining Valley PBS in 2009, Nancy has been a part in every team. She started in the membership department, assisting in marketing and production. In 2019, she took her business acumen to the role of Director of Administrative Operations, helping guide the station through several transitions and the pandemic. In 2021, she was promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer.

The station covers most of Central California, reaching over 200 miles, Merced to Kern counties. The region is known for its rich soils that provides bountiful harvests for millions of people around the globe. Adversely, it is also known for high poverty rates, low access to early childhood education and the growing homelessness problem.

Nancy is very familiar with the struggles many of our Central Valley families go through having grown up as a child of immigrant farmworkers. Like many of our Valley’s youth, Spanish was her first language and what was always spoken at home between her parents and siblings (Nancy being the youngest of four). Luckily, she, like many others, discovered a place that provided education, entertainment, and an entire world to explore – she discovered PBS. This is where Nancy’s passion for Valley PBS comes from. She wants to be able to continue to give valley residents, especially the youth, that “safe place” that PBS once gave her.

Nancy received a bachelor’s degree from University of California, Santa Barbara with a double major in Business Economics & Spanish. While in school, she participated in a small multicultural sorority, Sigma Alpha Zeta which focused on multicultural, philanthropic community projects. Once she graduated, she returned to the Valley in order to be closer to family. She moved back, married the love of her life & is now raising her own family on their 3rd generation family farm property. Her father continues to farm Thompson raisin grapes on their land while Nancy’s son (5 yrs old) is close behind trying to learn as much as he can and always wanting to be grandpa’s helper.

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