Public Media Women in Leadership Announces New Mentorship & Engagement Coordinator
Varela Reyes
(July 30, 2018) Public Media Women in Leadership (PMWL) has hired its first staff member, Veronica Varela Reyes, to serve as the organization’s inaugural Mentorship & Engagement Coordinator. Veronica holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing from San Diego State University. Her background includes administrative, communications, event coordination, marketing consulting and research experiences.
In this new role, Varela Reyes will be the first point of contact for women interested in engaging with PMWL. She will also run the organization’s mentor program, match and facilitate peer groups and manage social media, communications and events in partnership with founder Deanna Martin Mackey.
“Having the opportunity to hire Veronica is a game changer for PMWL,” says Mackey. “I am incredibly grateful to the Wyncote Foundation for the three-year grant that is making this position and the implementation of the mentor program possible. I firmly believe this will have a long-lasting impact on the training, professional development and placement of women in leadership positions in our industry.”
Varela Reyes began her professional career in public media at San Diego’s public media station, KPBS, working with the executive office. Veronica’s commitment to the stations’ mission, vison, and values earned her the Susan & Stephen Weber Education and Community Engagement Fellow award and landed her a temporary role with the GI Film Festival San Diego team.
After public media, Veronica continued her career in agency work with an award winning public relations firm, where she expanded upon her social media and blog content curation skills while also managing multiple client accounts and fostering professional relationships with members of the media.
Most recently, Veronica has been working on a grant-funded study where she has applied her administrative, marketing, and research skills to coordinate the project, collect and manage data, and oversee a team.
“I am very excited to join the Public Media Women in Leadership team,” says Varela Reyes. “I am passionate about its work and believe that by joining forces as a community we can further support women as rising leaders in the industry.”
Below is Veronica Varela Reyes’ contact information.
Email: varelareyes.vr[at]gmail[dot]com