Membership FAQ


Go to our membership page, review the membership levels, and select the most appropriate for you.

What are the membership levels?

There are two types of membership with three tiers each: Individual Memberships and Station Memberships. Individual Memberships are either sustaining memberships (monthly payments) or one-time gifts. Station memberships are one annual payment.

What is the difference between A sustaining membership and A one-time donation?

With a sustaining membership you make monthly payments over a year until you meet your chosen annual membership amount ($60, $120, etc). Sustaining memberships automatically renew so you do not have to remember to renew annually. A one-time donation is a single payment that pays off your chosen membership level when you make your first payment.

Why is PMWL offering Memberships now?

January, 2021 marks PMWL’s sixth year as an organization serving women in Public Media. We have been blessed to have two ongoing grantors/sponsors: Wyncote Foundation & CARS. In order for PMWL to continue to offer high-quality mentorship and training experiences for women, and diversify its offerings, we also need to diversify our funding sources. We believe that people support what they value and we believe that the women in Public Media who have benefited from our services will pay it forward for a new generation of leaders. The organization became a 501c3 non-profit last year and that has paved the way for us to begin offering membership opportunities.

How will stations submit the names of the staff that will be granted access to recorded conference videos and documents?

The individual who signs up for the staton/organization membership will receive a confirmation email once the transaction is completed. In that email, there is a link to a form where the individual can include the names and email addresses of the staff who will receive the benefits based on the membership level the station/organization chooses. We suggest stations sign up women-identifying and non-binary folks as beneficiaries of memberships.

What custom workshops will stations have access to?

Stations that sign up at the highest level of membership, Aficionada, will have access to custom workshops curated by PMWL’s Founder, Deanna Mackey, and Director of Programs, Veronica Varela Reyes, for women-identifying staff or all staff. While topics will be agreed upon between station / organization and speaker, they could include the state of gender equity/DEI in public media; building a station-based mentorship program; building in-house leadership programs and cross-training in your own organization. There is a separate charge for the workshops and logistics such as workshop length, date, timeframe will be worked out between the organization and speakers. As of 2021, these workshops are planned as virtual experiences and PMWL will handle meeting planning via Zoom. Post Pandemic, workshops could be in-person and stations/organizations would need to cover travel costs for speakers.

What is Connection Hour?

Connection Hour is PMWL’s fresh take on virtual mixers. These sessions are launching in Spring 2021. Learn more about Connection Hour here.

What will I need an access code for?

Codes will be provided to access recorded conference videos and additional resources / documents, from previous and upcoming events. This content provides ongoing leadership training for our members.


What does the PMWL Travel Mug (which is a benefit for the first 50 individual sustaining members) look like?

Our ambassadors model our PMWL Travel Mug. Mugs will be mailed out by the end of February.


Need help?

Connect with us via email at and a representative will get in touch. Be sure to include your availability within the email.


What are the membership tiers and benefits:

Individual Memberships (monthly sustaining donation or one-time gift for each):

PMWL Ally:

  • Access to all PMWL content, including recorded conference videos and documents (code provided for access).

  • Access to PMWL’s Connection Hour: Virtual Networking Sessions (launching in 2021).

PMWL Advocate:

  • Access to all PMWL content, including recorded conference videos and documents (code provided for access).

  • Access to PMWL’s Connection Hour: Virtual Networking Sessions (launching in 2021).

  • Free entry to PMWL’s BreakThrough Workshop, Spring 2021

PMWL Aficionada:

  • Access to all PMWL content, including recorded conference videos and documents (code provided for access).

  • Access to PMWL’s Connection Hour: Virtual Networking Sessions (launching in 2021).

  • Free entry to PMWL’s BreakThrough Workshop, Spring 2021

  • Free entry to PMWL’s Brave Talk Conference, Summer 2021

Station Memberships (annual contribution):

PMWL Station Ally:

  • Access to all PMWL content, including recorded conference videos and documents for 10 women-identified staff members (code provided for access).

  • Includes 5 registrations to BreakThrough workshop & 5 registrations to Brave Talk conference

PMWL Station Advocate:

  • Access to all PMWL content, including recorded conference videos and documents for 20 women-identified staff members (code provided for access).

  • Includes 20 registrations to BreakThrough workshop

PMWL Station Aficionada:

  • Access to all PMWL content, including recorded conference videos and documents for 25 women-identified staff members (code provided for access).

  • Includes 25 registrations to BraveTalk conference

  • Access to custom workshops

What is Break Through?

BreakThrough is PMWL’s virtual leadership workshop for women in public media featuring speakers and topics about women and management as well as addressing issues of gender equity in technology, digital, and engineering.. Click here to view last year’s topics and featured speakers.

What is Brave Talk?

Brave Talk is THE conference for women in public media devoted to issues surrounding women’s leadership and professional development. In 2020, PMWL featured diverse voices on mentorship, resilience, intersectional feminism and courageous leadership. Click here to view last year’s topics and featured speakers.

Where is my CODE OF ACCESS?

The access code will be emailed to you by mid-February. Please make sure our email, is whitelisted.